Hello, I'm Andy Dunn
I have worked in clinical psychology for over twenty years. Most of this experience has been within NHS mental health services before I made the decision to start a full time private practice in May 2019. My journey towards working as a clinical psychologist has not been a conventional one. I initially worked as a civil engineering technician, leading me to complete my first degree in Civil and Structural Engineering in 1994. I always felt a pull, however, to work more directly with people and my curiosity in emotional wellbeing steered me towards training as a psychologist. I graduated with a BSc in Psychology in 1999 and received a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the University of Birmingham in 2004. Over the years I have felt privileged to share in the experience of many people and this has shaped my understanding of what can be helpful and unhelpful responses to psychological distress. We are all uniquely different; with different values, varied experiences, and with our own personal histories. This experience shapes us and influences how we respond to difficult thoughts, feelings and experiences. It is because of this individuality that I believe in working flexibly to formulate a therapy that is unique to you.
Comprehension - Compassion - Commitment
Sometimes it is difficult to fully understand why we feel and behave the way that we do. The first stage of change is often about understanding why we feel this way, and psychologists use a range of psychological models to facilitate this understanding. This means helping you make sense of your feelings and behaviour so that you can respond to your experience in more flexible and helpful ways.
There is clear evidence to suggest that a negative relationship with self, especially when we are highly self-critical or feel shame, underpins a wide range of mental health problems. Compassion is often about offering care and giving affection; it can equally be about protecting ourselves and being realistic about what we are able to do. It can mean letting go of the things that we cannot change whilst finding ways to change what we can.
Change rarely happens without committed action. Doing things differently can be anxiety provoking, but change is hugely rewarding when we are moving towards the things in life that matter to us. Throughout your therapy I will be committed to working with you and supporting you throughout this change.
Professional Registration
I am registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC registration no: PYL05307). The HCPC is the regulatory body for clinical psychologists and other health professionals. I adhere to their standards of proficiency, conduct, performance and ethics. I am also a member of the British Psychological Society (BPS), the representative body for UK psychologists. As a BPS chartered psychologist I am committed to high professional standards, ongoing professional development and fulfilling the requirements of the professional body. I am listed in the BPS Directory of Chartered Psychologists and I belong to the Division of Clinical Psychology. See links below for registration details.